Explore life through writing: Origin of the term “brink wishful”

I used to love typing out little poems and stories. At different points in my life I’ve worked on short stories and longer stories. Some are finished, but most are in some state of half-done. Some will get finished and see the light of day though. One of those half-finished poems is where brink wishful came from. A few years ago I wrote a poem with the following phrase: brink wishful, brink frightful, brink delightful. The three adjectives can apply to different moments in life, but “brink wishful” stood out to me. Brink meaning on the edge, wishful alluding to new possibilities. So I chose it as the name for this space where I will explore life through writing.

Reading has always brought a sense of comfort to me, along with the fact that it serves to open up our worldview. It has helped to ease isolation at times, and I hope that my writing accomplishes some of that too. 

In my late teens and early 20’s, I was caught up trying to find myself, getting hung up on guys, obsessing over the human condition and the terrible historic events of the recent past in the last century and in general. 

The three brinks are kind of about that, the different edges and transition points we find ourselves in–wishful that things could be as they once were or something better, frightful because life can be scary, delightful because life can be that too. 

Excerpt from 2016:

brink wishful/ brink frightful/ brink delightful

I remember a few years back when I had a lot less to me. Less dense, but not any lighter. 

I remember a few months back when I had a lot more going on. A lot more getting it on, but not any more progress. 

I remember a few weeks back when I had a lot more vibes to read. A lot more vibes and less characters to discover. 

Excerpt from 2017: 

‘On the brink wishful’: I had just returned from a two-week trip to Mexico. We were a group of six girls and we collaborated with Mexican university students. We volunteered at a middle school called Corazon de Maria in an indigenous community, and I wrote that I wanted to go back to speak to the teachers, to keep sharing my experiences with them and learning about theirs, too. 

What language is, what dance is, what traveling is, what life is, what we are, what we do, what we say, what we read and write about. These are the things I’ll be exploring in this corner of the internet and I hope you’ll join me.